Pregnancy Services
Pregnancy Testing/Ultrasound Scanning
“Am I pregnant?” This is often the first question a woman needs answered when she comes to the Pregnancy Resource Center. In our eight medical clinics, women receive on-site pregnancy testing administered by medical professionals. Ultrasound scanning is also available to help answer the question of viability – Is the pregnancy in the uterus? Is there cardiac activity? What is the gestational age? (Qualifications apply) In our non-medical centers, a woman is able to administer her own urine pregnancy test on-site with trained client advocates available to answer her questions.
Options Education
“What now?” This is often the second question a woman needs answered. We are here to help and answer any questions she may have as she explores her options, while equipping her with information on fetal development and available resources.
Education & Mentoring
“But I’m not ready to be a mom” or “I cannot afford another baby.” These are often concerns a woman faces while exploring her options. We offer parenting education on how to have a healthy pregnancy, what to expect in labor & delivery, how to take care of a newborn and general parenting skills. Incentives are created to help each parent earn points, often called “Baby Bucks”, which can be spent in our clothing room to obtain items such as diapers, formula, clothing, baby supplies and baby equipment. New car seats and cribs are also available in order to provide a safe place for babies to travel and sleep. Relationships are built with our mentors and women find HOPE in the midst of their circumstances.
Adoption Support
Information on adoption is available for women as they explore their options. The PRC is a safe place for a woman to ask questions and consider the possibility of adoption. We are not an adoption agency, nor do we provide legal services. Living Alternatives emotionally supports a woman through her decision and will provide peer support through the pregnancy and birth, as well as after placement. Women interested in pursuing adoption are referred to licensed adoption agencies or attorneys.
Post-Abortion Support
Living Alternatives is committed to coming alongside women who live with the regret of an abortion in their past. Weekly individual sessions, groups and Deeper Still weekend retreats are among the many ways in which we strive to help men and women find healing and forgiveness.
STI/STD Information
Pregnancy is not the only concern for women who are sexually active. Sexually transmitted diseases and infections are a reality for many women. The PRC has information to educate and inform women regarding these risks. Our medical clinics in Bloomington-Normal and Tazewell County are currently offering STI testing for the two most common infections (chlamydia and gonorrhea).
Perinatal Grief Support
Willow Story is a program of Living Alternatives for parents who have experienced pregnancy loss, or who have been given a prenatal diagnosis. We offer compassion during pregnancy, support through birth, dignity in life honoring memorial, and a companion through grief. We understand you may be going through a deep storm right now. We want to hear your story and walk the journey with you, helping you find hope in the midst of the storm. Our services include parent-centered, trauma-informed case management support that is research-based and offered at no cost to clients. These services are available at various locations and also virtually with our Perinatal Grief Support team.